Review: Geek Dad Projects are Hands-On and Reasonably Priced

Allergy Kid Mom really liked the hands-on quality of the projects in Geek Dad, and has a detailed review over at her site. What many reviewers discover about these projects is that these projects aren’t just cool in and of themselves, but they’re generally quite affordable and really get the whole family in on it. From the review:

This is a really great book and I encourage everyone to go out and get one for themselves. I think you would really enjoy working with your kids on these different projects and your kids will love them just the same. I highly recommend it. And if I can pull a line from the book, ‘Go get your kid (s) and get started!’

Review: Geek Dad Projects are Fun For All

Heather Vale, who blogs at Heather Vale Unwrapped: Unwrapping the Mysteries of Life, didn’t quite know what to expect when she first saw Geek Dad. She wondered: “would these be projects that only computer hackers and programmers could hope to pull off?” But, suffice it to say, she was pleasantly surprised with the ease and creativity she encountered! She goes on to say:

The book’s title makes it a tough gift for moms, non-geek types, or those who remember when “geek” was a full-blown insult. But I’m not afraid to say that I’ll be tapping into it for fun projects, and probably for years to come.

Review: Geek Dad Has Wide Appeal

Over at Tickles & Tots, the Tickled Diva reflects on the wide appeal of Geek Dad, and we couldn’t be happier to hear it brings out the Geek Kid in everyone:

I thought this was a fun and unique book. Not only does it inspire you to try new and interesting projects it allows you to experiment and experience fun ideas with your kids. I am a mom and this book is not just for dads, it is for anyone interested in geeky, cool, unique and fun projects. This book will get you off the couch and searching for new materials to transform into extraordinary gadgets.

Geek Dad Book Review by Non-Geek Parents

Yes, it’s true! Geek Dad appeals not just to parents that are geeks, but to parents who have a geeky side (or are just intellectually curious and want some great ideas). 1 Prince and 3 Princesses gives an enthusiastic review. Some choice bits:

Ken has created the ultimate, idea-packed guide guaranteed to help dads and kids alike enjoy the magic of playtime together and tap into the infinite possibility of their imagination. With illustrations throughout, this book offers projects for all ages to suit any time frame or budget.

Second Geek Dad Book Coming!

Today’s deals from

Editor of’s GeekDad blog, Ken Denmead’s THE GEEK DAD’S GUIDE TO WEEKEND HACK-TIVITIES, the follow-up to the NYT bestseller Geek Dad, featuring more advanced do-it-yourself projects that encourage the geeky/hacker ethic that says understanding how something works is just as important as building it in the first place, to Lucia Watson at Gotham, in a good deal, by Jud Laghi at the Jud Laghi Agency and Meg Thompson at LJK Literary Management (NA).

Geek Dad Book Review – Not Just for Dads and Sons

There’s a neat review over at I Should Be Napping, talking both about Geek Dad the book as well as Ken the GeekDad himself. In fact, he’s a newly minted “favorite web personality”. Pretty shiny title, if you ask me. We like this part, about the importance of geekiness and girliness, especially:

This book is called Geek Dad but it certainly applies to Geek Moms (or Geek Sisters or Aunties) as well. I think the author has two sons, but I particularly like this book for little girls because it exposes them to projects that the average mom might not know how to expose them to (I can lead a castle-painting project solo, but will need some guidance to show my kids how to build fireflies using LEDs, electrical tape, and batteries). I’m looking forward to learning about electronics (Electronic Origami, Fireflies For Every Season) with my daughters – and that kind of enthusiastic learning, combined with energetic creativity, is why being a geek is so cool!

Best Slip ‘n Slide Ever Project Spotted in the Wild!

Photo: Paul at Digital Misery

Paul at Digital Misery decided to start tackling some Geek Dad projects, and this past weekend constructed a great version of the Slip ‘n Slide featured in the book with his family. He documented the whole process, step-by-step, and the outcome is pretty impressive!

Says Paul:

We decided to start working through some of the projects and this weekend we picked the “Best Slip ‘n Slide Ever” project from the Geek Dad book.  Basically it involves constructing a super home-made water slide that rivals anything you can find in the stores.  I decided to document our build progress and include our successes and failures for the benefit of others.

Thanks, Paul! And great pictures. Happy slidin’.